Repeat the Success.
Amtech Automation applies the best technology to help you produce quality products reliably. Our solutions leverage a combination of sensors, cameras, lasers, software, and analytics to deliver measurable results. Supply an objective means for quantifying performance "before and after" a change in process or equipment settings. Create the ideal recipe for your production orders that can be replicated on future orders ensuring the ideal quality scenario for your customers.
Utilize digital signage for a “go” or “no go” of and order as it moves through production process, catching out of spec errors before they make it to your customer.
Maximize Access
Eliminate reliance on operator manual checks during production and deploy a solution that is modular and flexible to grow and adapt with your business strategy.
Eliminate Issues
Analytics to evaluate machine performance, shift performance, problem areas that need addressing, and elevates other opportunities for improvement.
Boost Uptime
Download and read "Practical Adoption of IIoT" White Paper. Learn how real-time data and technology that connects your entire operation can dramatically improve performance. Industry 4.0 is here. Discover changes you can make to reduce costs, increase output, and stay ahead of the competition. Then step to the edge of what is on the horizon with Industry 5.0.